Rabu, 06 April 2011


Treasure/Valuable Item List with Selling Amounts

(Items in the tables can be combined)

Amber Ring (10,000 PTAS)

Antique Pipe (10,000 PTAS)

* Beerstein (3,000 PTAS)            *
* Red Catseye (3,000 PTAS)          *
*                                   *
* Green Catseye (3,000 PTAS)        *
*                                   *
* Yellow Catseye (3,000 PTAS)       *
* Beerstein w/(G,Y,R) (20,000 PTAS) *

Black Bass (750 PTAS)

Black Bass (L) (2,300 PTAS)

Brass Pocket Watch (10,000 PTAS)

Broken Butterfly w/full ammo (19,000 PTAS) (-500 PTAS per shot fired)

* Butterfly Lamp (4,500 PTAS)            *
* Green Eye (1,000 PTAS)                 *
*                                        *
* Red Eye (1,500 PTAS)                   *
*                                        *
* Blue Eye (3,000 PTAS)                  *
* Butterfly Lamp w/(R,G,B) (32,000 PTAS) *

* Crown (9,000 PTAS)                 *
* Crown Jewel (11,000 PTAS)          *
*                                    *
* Royal Insignia (13,000 PTAS)       *
* Salazar Family Crown (48,000 PTAS) *

Dirty Brass Pocket Watch (1,000 PTAS)

Dirty Pearl Pendant (1,000 PTAS)

Elegant Chessboard (13,000 PTAS)

Elegant Headdress (10,000 PTAS)

* Elegant Mask (3,000 PTAS)            *
* Green Gem (3,000 PTAS)               *
*                                      *
* Red Gem (3,000 PTAS)                 *
*                                      *
* Purple Gem (3,000 PTAS)              *
* Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P) (20,000 PTAS) *

Elegant Perfume Bottle (10,000 PTAS)

Emerald (3,000 PTAS)

Gold Bangle (8,500 PTAS)

Gold Bangle w/Pearls (10,000 PTAS)

Gold Chicken Egg (3,000 PTAS)

* Golden Lynx (15,000 PTAS)            *
* Red Stone of Faith (3,500 PTAS)      *
*                                      *
* Green Stone of Judgment (3,500 PTAS) *
*                                      *
* Blue Stone of Treason (3,500 PTAS)   *
* Golden Lynx w/(R,G,B) (35,000 PTAS)  *

Hourglass w/gold decor (12,000 PTAS)

Illuminados Pendant (12,000 PTAS)

Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies (12,000 PTAS)

Pearl Pendant (10,000 PTAS)

Punisher w/full ammo (10,000 PTAS) (-50 PTAS per shot fired)

Punisher w/firepower upgrade and full ammo (15,000 PTAS) (-50 PTAS per shot 

Rocket Launcher (15,000 PTAS)

Ruby (10,000 PTAS)

Shotgun w/full ammo (10,000 PTAS) (-120 PTAS per shot fired)

Special Rocket Launcher (30,000 PTAS)

Spinel (2,000 PTAS)

Staff of Royalty (20,000 PTAS)

Velvet Blue (2,500 PTAS)

Yellow Herb (3,000 PTAS)

Yellow and Green Herb Mixture (4,500 PTAS)

Yellow and Red Herb Mixture (5,000 PTAS)

Yellow, Green, and Red Herb Mixture (10,000 PTAS)

Bottle Cap Collection Minigame Prize Amounts

The bottle cap minigame can be played behind each blue door, next to the 
merchant.  As each row is completed (A, B, C, and D) a certain amount of 
Pesetas will be awarded.  This can only be done once for each row.

First Row Complete - 15,000 PTAS

Second Row Complete - 25,000 PTAS

Third Row Complete - 35,000 PTAS

Fourth Row Complete - 50,000 PTAS

- Be sure to pick up any ammo that you run across, and sell it to the merchant 
if you do not need it.

- Pick up any weapons that you find, and sell them.

- Destroy every breakable object.

- Always combine treasures that can be combined before selling them for 
maximum profit.  Be sure to keep at least 2 of each of the eye gems (green, 
blue, and red) to combine with butterfly lamps.

- Yellow herbs are worth 3,000 PTAS alone, and 10,000 PTAS when mixed with a 
green and red herb mixture.

- When in the village, at the beginning, go out of your way to kill both 
chainsaw guys.

- After the cutscene in the church, be sure to go in and kill both monks.

- Take both paths when prompted to choose a path after the cabin ambush.  
Finish up one path, and then backtrack and open the other gate.  Both paths 
have valuable treasures.

- Never run from a battle.

- Shoot crows whenever possible.  Some crows will surprise you with the items 
they will sometimes leave.  Be sure to shoot them from a far distance so they 
will not fly off.

- Don't kill the merchant. (Duh!)

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