Sabtu, 02 April 2011

BASARA 3 Item Translation

I put a lot of work into this translation, so I would appreciate it if it 
does not get distributed freely.  Do not attempt to sell it.  If you wish to
post this somewhere other than Gamefaqs website, please contact me first at
Contributors (special thanks):  
Sonsaru - For helping me with my mis-translations
AdawgDaFAB - For originally posting the Google Translation of the spreadsheet
The spreadsheet guy - For putting it up in the first place
*Note:  I will probably be adding the Kanji for each item later for ease
of recognition.  However, the items are in order as listed on the game 
screen.  I will also add the Personal items you get from beating the game
each time with a character.  I will probably use saitou1024's once I get 
permission from him.

Item Name                             Description

Fierce Bull                           Increases life bar (2000, 3000, 4000)

Young Lion                            Increases Attack Power (100, 150, 200)

Ancient Tortoise                      Increases Defense Power (150, 250, 400)

Dancing Crane                         When you damage opponents, Basara gauge
                                      will increase faster (+20%, 25%, 30%)

Thrusting Boar                        Basara skill's Attack Power increases
                                      (200, 300, 400)

Giant Catfish                         When you defeat an enemy in one strike, 
                                      receive a coin bonus of (3, 4, 5) 

Mantis                                When you are near death, Attack Power &
                                      Defense Power increase (200, 300, 400)

Two-wheeled Wagon                     Luck increases; chances of regular 
                                      treasure and weapons becoming Wonderful 
                                      versions increases (+10, 12, 14)
                                      *Translator's note:  Do not appear to be
                                      straight percentages.

Centipede                             Becomes easier to break an Enemy's guard
                                      and/or stun them (low rate, medium, high)

Shoulder Guard                        Chances of being staggered, stunned, or 
                                      having your guard broken are reduced
                                      (low, medium, high)

Skull                                 Probability of Critical strikes increase
                                      (6%, 8%, 12%)

Fierce Tiger                          While using Boost, Attack Power
                                      increases (300, 400, 500)

Phoenix                               When you defeat an enemy, Boost gauge 
                                      increases more quickly (30, 40, 50)

Pumpkin                               Equipment for taking it easy on the your
                                      Enemies; Attack Power decreases (-5%,
                                      -10%, -15%)

Japanese Fan                          Attack Power against Enemy Base Generals
                                      increases (300, 400, 500)

Three Cherry Tree                     Elemental Attribute attack probability 
                                      increases (5%, 7%, 9%)  [Red Text]:
                                      Only applies using Elemental weapons

Prancing Crab                         Parrying strike's Attack Power
                                      increases (2000, 2500, 3000)

Bounding Locust                       While airborne, Attack Power increases
                                      (400, 500, 600)

Halberd                               Damage of the first attack of a regular 
                                      attack chain is increased (500, 600, 

Sweating Horse                        For the first (10, 15, 30) seconds after
                                      starting a level, Attack Power increases
                                      greatly (4000)  [Red Text]:  Each 
                                      additional Sweating Horse equipped adds
                                      to time of buff
                                      *Translator's note:  Max time of buff is
                                      3 minutes (6 of highest rank equipped)

Rice Ball                             Effectiveness of recovery items
                                      increased (+5%, 10%, 15%)

Sea Shell                             For each base camp you control, Attack 
                                      Power increases (70, 80, 90 per camp)

Ancient Dragon                        When Life, Basara, and Boost gauges are 
                                      full, Attack Power increases (700, 800

Hen (as in Chicken)                   When you perform an Assisted Basara with 
                                      your ally, Attack Power and Defense Power
                                      are increased (50, 60, 70)  Maximum of 10

Elemental Basaras
*Note:  The [Red Text] for all of the following is the same:
[Red Text for all]:  Equipping multiple of this type does not increase effect.

Fire Charm                             All allies take less damage from Fire

Lightning Charm                        All allies take less damage from 

Ice Charm                              All allies take less damage from Ice

Wind Charm                             All allies take less damage from Wind

Darkness Charm                         All allies take less damage from 

Light Charm                            All allies take less damage from Light

Slaying Seals
[Red Text for all]:  Effects do not stack

Seal of Archer Slaying                 You do triple damage to Ranged soldiers
                                       (bowmen, gunmen, etc)

Seal of Shield Slaying                 You do triple damage to soldiers with
                                       Shields.  Additionally, you destroy
                                       shields in one hit

Seal of Giant Slaying                  You do triple damage to Large soldiers
                                       (with the giant fans, hurling large 
                                       rocks, etc)

Seal of Ninja Slaying                  You do triple damage to Ninja soldiers

Seal of Machine Slaying                You do triple damage to Machines
                                       Additionally, you destroy traps in one 

Seal of Beast Slaying                  You do triple damage to Beasts (Tigers
                                       Horse soldiers, etc)

Music items
[Red Text for all]:  Multiple items do not stack

Rod of the Flatterer                   Your allies flatter you for 

"Encouraging" Wig                      Allies give delicate encouragment,
                                       increasing your will to fight
                                       *Translator's Note:  The name of this
                                       item is part of a joke.  "hagemashi" 
                                       means encouragement, but "hage" means
                                       bald, and the item is a wig.

Boisterous Lute                        During battle, music changes to [Naked 

Boisterous Koto                        During battle, music changes to
                                       [Gyakko] ("Backlight")
                                       *Translator's note:  A koto is a
                                       traditional Japanese stringed instrument

Actor's Hand Drum                      During battle, music changes to the 1P 
                                       character's theme

Cheering Bamboo Flute                  During battle, music changes to the 
                                       Ally character's theme  [Red Text]:  No
                                       effect if there are 2 players

Miscellaneous Items
[Red Text for all]:  Effects do not stack

Saisou's Grass                         Prevents being stunned by Ranged 

Matabei's War Fan                      During a Basara attack, all Hits are +1 
                                       (effectively doubling hits)

Reins of Pursuit                       When mounted, Hits are +1

Trinity Jewels                         When Life, Basara, and Boost gauges are
                                       full, Hits are +2

Time-Master's Whip                     While mounted, the Combo gauge will not 
                                       disappear due to interval between
                                       attacks (However, being hit will still
                                       cancel the combo)

Gold Mallet                            For every 100 kills, instead of an 
                                       Onigiri (rice ball), an Embossed Mallet
                                       will appear (the hammer which gives x2
                                       coins) *Translator's note:  As with 
                                       some other items in this section, the
                                       name of the item could have double 
                                       meaning.  In this case, it could be 
                                       "Kogane's Mallet".

Spectacles of Everlasting Darkness     The Life gauge will not be visible, but
                                       in exchange the exp multiplier is
                                       increased by 0.5 (this is the yellow 
                                       number at the bottom of the results 

Glorious Wine Goblet                   The rewards for completing special
                                       special objectives are doubled

Holy Water of Defense                  Start a stage with Basara gauge full

Sengoku Hot Spring                     Start a stage with Boost gauge full

Uesugi's Salt                          All Enemy's life gauges are doubled
                                       *Translator's Note:  This is a direct
                                       reference to the salt that Kenshin
                                       sent to Shingen to help preserve food
                                       for his soldiers

Leaping Assassin                       While hitting enemies with air attacks
                                       (attacks while jumping), they will
                                       produce coins much more often
                                       (literally "scatter" coins)

Kenshin's Sword                        When you win a Duel (the button mash
                                       event that occurs when you strike at
                                       the same time as an enemy, referred to
                                       in Japanese as "swordplay"), your Life
                                       will recover some  [Red text]:  If 
                                       there are 2 players, this effect is 

Alarm Bell                             The time it takes to recover from
                                       being stunned is shortened

Easy Money Purse                       The rate at which you attain coins
                                       is increased by +4, but if you take
                                       damage, current coin total is halved.

Vile Writings                          Basara gained by Taunting is increased

Teachings of the Eighth Sister         The eighth attack of regular attack
                                       chains will always be a Critical
                                       Strike  *Translator's note:  Literally,
                                       this means "8 star cluster", but I
                                       believe they are making reference to
                                       the star cluster Pleiades.  7 of the 9
                                       brightest stars are named after the 7 
                                       Sisters of Greek myth.

Tabi of Mirror Image                   When using Evade Step (Evasion), the
                                       length of time you are invincible 

Fool's Law                             You deal 1.5 times damage, but you 
                                       receive 3 times normal damage

Last Line of Defense                   You are always in a near-death state
                                       (red life bar), but the exp multiplier
                                       is increased by +1
                                       *Translator's note:  Literally "stipend

Gauntlets of Imperial Wrath            While guarding, Ranged attacks from
                                       Enemies will automatically be reflected 
                                       back at them

Oar of Thunderous Blows                When using an attack that blows enemies
                                       away, the distance they fly is 

Charging Wild Horse                    While mounted, Attack Power is 

Hilt of Deflection                     The time window for Parrying attacks is 

Sengoku Jewels (comma shaped)          While using Boost, for every 5 enemies
                                       you defeat you gain 1 second on the 
                                       Boost timer

Passionate Ritual Tools                The length of "Basara Fever" is
                                       increased by 5 seconds

Rengeki Folding Fan                    The window of time between hits in a
                                       combo chain before the Combo resets 
                                       is increased

Sengoku Battle Formation               When you capture a base, the amount of
                                       Boost gauge gained is doubled

Time Deceiving Machine                 The duration of Sword, Shield, and Hammer
                                       mark effects are increased by 10 seconds

Kiyomasa's Tiger Hide                  Reduce damage from Enemies by 25%  

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